Giorgetti: A Principled Approach to State Failure: International Community Actions in Emergency Situations
Chiara Giorgetti (White & Case LLP) has published A Principled Approach to State Failure: International Community Actions in Emergency Situations (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2010). Here's the abstract:
This book is the first legal study of state failure in international law. Building on a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon, Dr. Giorgetti provides a definition of state failure that informs her study of how international actors may operate in situations of emergencies occurring in failed and failing states. The book specifically focuses on actions taken in health, environmental and human rights emergencies to provide generally applicable conclusions. Indeed, the Principles for Action distilled in the final chapter will provide concrete instruments to the international community to act in emergency situations and will prove to be an important contribution to the development of international law.
Posted by Jacob Katz Cogan